Automatic Report Generator Often, for a more detailed analysis of the current situation, our customers need to have on hand data reporting. That...
Resources’ availability batch upload Whenever you need to keep information on your resources availability updated there is a simple solution, make fast upload via...
Report Export Epicflow allows users to export all kinds of management data that can be used in the 3rd party tools like...
Roles and permissions – overall overview This article is addressed to all those who are administering users’ rights, roles and competences of the users. Overall Overview...
System Maintenance: Exporting and Importing Data Files Introduction In terms of Epicflow system management we have functionality which grants an ability to seamlessly Import/Upload (further Import will...
Change Password Introduction Regularly updating your passwords is a simple option available to all users. It ensures that you stay in control...
Restore your password Introduction The situation is not excluded when it may be necessary to recover the password. A registered user can restore...