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Monitoring tasks performance

Calculating the task priority

Task Priority is a feature of Epicflow that guides your team to work faster and smarter across multiple projects by suggesting the best possible combinations of tasks fulfillment order. 

Tasks priorities are visualized by means of numbers from zero to one hundred and more. The following numbers will help you instantly get information which tasks are badly in need of closer attention.


0 – 50 indicate that you’ll most likely finish the task on time according to your plan

80 implies that your task still has a 20% buffer, so you’ll most likely make to the deadline

100 shows that you will finish the task on time, but you don’t have a buffer for it, so on time delivery is possible only in case you don’t depart from the plan

101 means there’s one day delay, so you won’t be able to finish the task on time even if you follow the plan

> 100 will warn you for how many days your task gets delayed. Each additional point indicates a day in task delay.


Accomplish the task with the highest priority at the first place. Avoid situations when priority is higher than 99. Your team member should just pick up the first task in the list.


Difference between Spent, Remaining, Total

Each task is characterized by estimation of a time which is remaining for its fulfillment, already spent and total sum of such. It’s an essential part of the system and update of those values helps with project’s flow, impediments identification and priorities order.

Remaining is the number of work hours left to accomplish the task. You can modify this number, but please note that it will change the number of Spent work hours or Total.

Spent is the number of work hours that a resource has already burned to accomplish the task. If you increase the number of spent hours, Remaining hours will get reduced accordingly.

Total is the sum of Remaining and Spent work hours.


There’s a special logic behind Remaining, Spent, and Total.

  • If you reduce the number of Remaining hours, the number of Spent hours will increase.
  • If you increase the number of Remaining hours, the number of Total hours will increase.
  • If you reduce the number of Spent hours, the number of Remaining hours will increase.
  • If you increase the number of Spent hours, the number of Remaining hours will decrease.
  • If you increase the number of Total hours, the number of Remaining hours will increase.
  • If you reduce the number of Total hours, the number of Remaining hours will decrease.


Updated on May 16, 2022

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